Monti Sibillini Camperato
The cropping - zootechnical - organic farm "Monti Sibillini Camperato" consists of a characteristic rural building which has been recently renovated by maintaining its original architectural features and of a rural minor building.
A cosy country style structure offer the opportunity to spend calm days in room and apartament provided with all comfort and period furniture.

The Farm

The Rooms

Zootechnical organic farm

The estate cover about 18 hectares and is divided into woodlands, where truffles and walnuts come from, and the so-called SAU (Agricultural Exploited Area) used to cultivate cereal and fodder plants alternating with sunflowers

From the holiday farm you can leave for several tours along the trails developing within Monti Sibillini National Park, tours for everyone.
Place to visit

The company is located between Visso and Norcia, at the gates of the Sibillini National Park. Many places to visit in the area.
Book your stay
Remember that you can book numbers directly by phoneTel: 331.7157596
Mob: 320.6424898